The PEM CRC supports and encourages PEM fellows to become involved in research activities supported by the committee.

Ways to get involved:


Join the PEM CRC Steering Committee- 2024 APPLICATION INFO HANDOUT

The PEM CRC Steering Committee includes 2nd and 3rd year PEM fellow representatives. Fellow members are selected each spring and serve a two-year term on the Steering Committee. Fellows work alongside a group of experienced PEM researchers and mentors, gain exposure to the processes of developing and executing multicenter research studies, lead projects to increase fellow involvement in clinical research, and advocate for fellow perspectives in PEM CRC activities. The PEM CRC steering committee is a great opportunity for expanding research skills and networking with national experts. If you are interested or have questions, please feel free to contact the current fellow members Tamara Garcia ( or Amanda Quijano (

Responsibilities include:

  • Attend at least one PEM CRC meeting per year at the AAP or PAS conference

  • Maintain membership in the AAP SOEM

  • Participate in monthly PEM CRC Steering Committee conference calls

  • Provide a voice for fellows’ needs and interests

  • Plan the annual mentorship mixer for fellows and PEM CRC faculty at PAS

The applications should include: letter of interest from fellow AND current curriculum vitae.

2024 Application Submissions are now closed


Participate in a Multicenter PEM CRC Study

Fellows are encouraged to participate in PEM CRC multicenter studies. Fellows can serve as site principal investigators if they identify a faculty co-PI to assist with study oversight and anticipate remaining at the site to complete data collection. Join the PEM CRC listserv to receive recruitment information regarding upcoming PEM CRC studies.

Submit a Survey Study Proposal

Fellows interested in conducting multicenter survey studies can submit their application for review by the AAP SOEM Survey Subcommittee administrated by the PEM CRC. Survey studies are ideal for the shorter timeline fellows may have to complete research during their fellowship. This is an excellent opportunity to receive valuable feedback from a panel of PEM survey experts, and, if selected, access to the SOEM listserv for survey distribution. The survey application can be found at


Apply for the Ken Graff Award

The PEM CRC steering committee is charged with selecting a recipient of the AAP Section of Emergency Medicine (SOEM) Ken Graff Young Investigator Award each year. The Ken Graff award provides up to $15,000 for a research project that addresses issues pertinent to the acutely ill or injured child. Fellows are encouraged to apply for this award. Applicants must be current members of the AAP SOEM. Request for application is distributed via SOEM listserv in February.